The main square of Lviv

Each building on Market Square has its own history and different stories. The variety of architectural styles, the inner richness of houses and the history of their residents - that\'s what is the cause again and again to come to the Market Square.

Route: Kamenica Alembekovskaya, fountains at Market Square, Kamenica Scholz-Wolfowitz, balcony of lovers, monument nymph Melusine.

Duration: 1:00 (audio information at every place - up to 3 minutes).

In good weather, sitting on a bench in the Market Square and examining various forms of buildings, to ponder the eternal... How many people "see" the walls of these buildings, whose hands they were built ... and in your imagination arises bustling market, the cossacks watered horses bustle, noise ... Pictures of history, we can only imagine.

44 buildings that had no numbers but only the names ...

Our audio guide will lead you market area and talk about the history and mysteries of buildings.